So from what I've been told, I've lost a bunch of my readers since I fell off the face of the planet. But, finally! The semester has ended and has given me this wonderful chunk of time to update you on my life. haha
I've been up to a buuuunchh of stuff.
-Got into a nasty fight at work with one of my shifts. I hate drama, yet I seem to eat, sleep, drink, and poop it 24/7.
-Bought a TON of new clothes from G-Star. Did you know you can only withdraw $300 from an ATM? Gah, it makes shopping so much more difficult that way. So that's why you go back the next day haha! But what I do love, is paying with money I actually have :) I'm proud of myself haha.
-Presented "the most awesome and probably the best out of [my] class" PowerPoint ever! haha I worked SO incredibly hard on my final project for my Research Design class, so I'm stoked my professor loved it so much and told me that.
-Saw Torche & Dredg at the Great American Music Hall with Kyle and Arex. !! Torche was UHmazing! But I guess the Dredg fans didn't agree. Some Jerkface related to Zach threw a beer onstage and Torche ended their set after like, 15 minutes! I was butthurt the rest of the night and thoroughly unsatisfied. Dredg was fine.
-Arex and I have been eating at interesting and new restaurants. We've been exploring the entire menu at OIC-Bowl, one of my favorite Chinese places. Tried the Indian place that's been across from my work for as long as I can remember, and was very impressed with the curry.
-(This gets it's own bullet) We found a cute and legit Japanese Curry place in Embarcadero area. The people were definitely Japanese and the place was set up with wall counters and stools. Cheap & yummy in my tummy! We ate at Mifune today and had cold noodles. Tasted.... interesting.
-Hmmm, Oh yeah, on a sadder note, I've totally been neglecting my friend Janny (Johnny) and I feel awful! :( If you read this, I miss you!
-I stopped drinking alcohol and coffee! Though in the midst of midterms I gave in a drank a cup of coffee here and there only because it's cheap and I'm still poor from my G-Star purchases haha. But definitely negative on the alcohol. Yay me.
-!!! Got an A in Forensic Psychology! :) If that class were really based on points only, I probably woulda gotten a C. But holllaaaa, I got the grade I deserved! :)
-"I'm cold".-Terminator Salvation. lawl.
-Talked to Zachface today on the phone & I miss him. But I'm happy he's doing well.
-Haven't talked to Charlie in Wyoming. :( another neglected soul, ugh.
Arrright, so there ya go! haha I'm broke, deaf, fat, yet dressed fabulously.
Kay, it's been fun to play and sing together.
I want my bike already.
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