the weekend.
work, work, work.
I closed the entire store tonight by myself and my shift even agreed that I did. Our precloser wasn't helpful because she's new and had no direction. Our other closer is still in his training so he's a waste of space. And my shift was busy counting the money, and when the cash weigher broke, I was left to do everything myself. And gosh! I'm poooooped.
Tall soy extra hawt latte for Alex came in while I was on my lunch, so I admired from afar. haha
Overall, though, worked sucked as usual.
Oh! and I totally got pwnd too. It was fun. I'm glad, though, that I've started wearing blush so you really couldn't tell I was mad embarassed. hah
The power went out at my house earlier today so my mom had to manually open the garage. When the power came back on we didn't know how to reconnect the door to the box thingie that controls it so we asked our neighbor to help us. It's actually really easy.
My mom's brother's girlfriend slash fiance slash new wife came to California yesterday. She's moving here from the Philippines. Kinda interesting, yeah? I'll leave it at that. She's nice though and her voice is soothing.
! My mom went grocery shopping today so now we have a stocked fridge. Yay! We have ice cream, ice cream cones, every kind of Simply (Orange, Orange with Mango, and Apple) juices, milk, salad, Jello, lemons, pasta, pasta sauce, bird seed, pita, feta cheese, coffee creamer, and tomatoes. Wow, in perspective, that's actually not a lot of food food. haha But, we have the essentials though: ice cream.
I feel like eating that key lime pie slash cheesecake thingie from Trader Joe's.
Gosh, I'm mad sleepy, yet I want to finish this since I was told from a reader that I haven't posted in awhile.
I hope giggle calls me because I'm drained from working at Starbucks these days.
Watched the movie Choke last night and it wasn't as good as Fight Club. (both were originally books by the same author). But I did like it. A little obscene at times, but I enjoyed that narration just like in Fight Club. But yeah it was good.
We went to costco on Saturday, it was fun. I like costco. They have a garden center now. But they also have plants all over the store, crazyyy. We bought a bunch of stuff we didn't really need, but those cupons they send you in the mail were expiring so we used all the interesting ones.
Kay it's 2am. School tomorrow. Ughh. Weather says decent weather with rain only Monday and Tuesday. Meh.
Deuces, and goodnight!
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