Friday, February 26, 2010

While I write my paper...

2 and a half hours left until my paper is due. 2 more paragraphs.

Tera Melos is helping me crank it out.

as well as this:


PS. I've missed you dearly.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Dear boy, what do you rap about?

Why hello,
I know, I fell off the face of the planet. Sorry. Luckily, I was able to grab hold of some sanity and make it back to where I am now--currently in my room waiting for my laundry to finish.
I'm drained beyond belief.
Last weekend my dad came! Totally completely surprised me :) It was a ton of fun. We have a ton of fun. Did a bunch of touristy things and ate some average food. haha good times. So when are you gonna come visit me?
Monday we went to Oceana again. Oh goodness was I a hot mess. Sorry to those who had to see me that night. Ugh. Summary: Southern Comfort, Snapple, GaGa, Smirnoff, Vomit, Water, Dancing, Falling, laughing. Yup. I looked really cute though :)

Today, my lack of sleep has finally caught up with me. And so has all of my school work. haha, oh yeah, I'm here for school.... wah wah. Gots to get a move on! and I will.
Thinking I'm gonna start video blogging, so I gotta figure out how to edit the clips I've taken and then I'll upload them somewhere. Maybe Flickr because then I can look at the Starfuckers Friend video again. tehe, I ruv that doggie!

Anywhoozle, (totally from PDS, but whatev because it's something I'd actually say.....lolz.)
Gonna go put my laundry in the dryer. Then I'll put pictures up from my dad's visit. THEN, look in to doing my videos. And yeah, dinner, then sleep. please.

Friday, February 12, 2010


It's 5pm, and I just took a shower, which means I just got out of bed.

Off to a great start :) for serious! haha

After dinner I'mma go to the bank to get some laundry money. Ugh laundry. Mommy where are you? Maybe some ice cream since I just found a place over yonder. Nothing like Three Twins I'm sure. nom.

I'm still hackin' up a storm, no bueno.
Thirsty for some root beer, omgz r00t b33r how I miss thee. lawl.

Listening to These Arms Are Snakes. Man, I miss them too. rip.

Sorry I'm boring, lemme try to link you something cool.

oh! okay this. this is straight up last night in a nut shell. nutz!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

So here we are again at the start,

let's get stuck.

TTNG. Friggin' stoked. February 24th. :D

That's is all.


(hmmm, my blawg turning into my twittererrr??) no bueno.

I should report something. lol 'report.' uhm. okay for Valentines Day. Thinkin' I miiiight swing by 14 Bike Co's anniversary party?? Not sure if I'm worthy enough. And it'd be a lil awk if I go by myself. Hi, Tom La Marche, you don't know me but, hey I'm an American too. John Prorry??
But seriously, how awesome would that be? Maybe only Arex would think it'd be tight. Boy, you need to get here faster so we can actually do cool stuff I like slash know about. It's getting to me that I keep doing things that no one here has any idea about. For instance, Alexander McQueen. Couldn't think of a single person who knew who he was besides Johnny. sigh, I ruv fashion, but people here, or at my school at least are too religious to care. Or I'm not religious enough? I'm just a snobby materialistic girl who should have been raised in the Upper East Side? yadamnstraightiam.

In other things to report. There's drama. I guess no matter where you go, it'll sprout up sometime. lol sprout. All I have to say is that I don't do well with naive people. I'm the wrong person for introducing the world. I take back what I said before, it must suck to be them.

Bummed I'm not seeing Avenue Q tonight in the city with the girls, but I really don't have the money with all the shows I plan on seeing. Sure tickets are only 22 pounds, but my inner alcoholic is also getting into a boo mood. aha drinks ain't cheap.

Tried Southern Comfort for the first time last night. yucky. or whatever they mixed it with was yucky. cheap though, so I won't complain.

kay, over and out. for real.


What is happening...

may your brilliance live on. ohp here it comes, depression.

I took a nap all day today after my lit class. Now I have a legitimate reason for doing so.

In the world of decisions, there are still many to be made, so please get back at me so I can get on with my life.

Oh yeah, last night was nuts.
Gaga, drama, SoCo, Mardi Gras, Snow Pieces, dirty people, and lots of laughter.
Great night, weird morning.

Sigh, I have no life. It must suck to be me.

still miss you.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


decisions, decisions, decisions.
I hate them.

Make them for me.



call me and tell me what to do.


This is my mom,

I'm horrible. But those are seriously the same feet. tehe
I hope you have a great day.


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I feel like I'm in a snow globe,

stop shaking it.

No seriously.

I guess as of yesterday, I've officially seen snow in it's verb form.
And, no me gusta. Sorry nature nerds. It made me dizzy and I felt like the air was diseased. I like it better on the ground already. :) aha

Today I went on a field trip! Or actually, I did 'Fieldwork.' Here in London they only use single quotes. Yes. It was for my class, London as a Tourist Destination. And no, we do not learn how to become tour guides--they made that clear on the first day and still do. lol
In this class, we learn why people are attracted to tourist 'spaces' and what makes a place a 'space.' etc. eh tih kuh.
So we started off at Strawberry Hill rail station bright and early at 9.30am (omg.) then headed to London Waterloo via Richmond. (tehe, I love saying Wuh-tuh-looo veye-uh Richmond)
From there, we did the usual, London Eye-Parliament-White Hall-Westminster Abbey-eh tih kuh.
Then! We took the tube to Temple, lol Da Vinci Code. Then we broke off for lunch and me and another American ate some cheap food and hopped onto a random bus and thawed out. It was nice until we were trying to make it back to the meeting point and literally ran up the end of the group as they were walking away. Seamless! ...until Peter, my professor saw us and wondered when we had gotten there because the other professor was waiting for us. oops.
We then walked to St. Paul's Cathedral via Fleet Street. ruv Sweeny Todd!
Talked about why people visit churches such as that one. And I got reamed by Peter for saying that churches and religious places are 'sacred.' He asked me if I was religious, and I said 'I can be.' Apparently he hadn't ever encountered such a statement, so I went on about being spiritual without being religious and he had no eye-friggin-dea. So he hassled me about that the rest of the day and I bet next week in class he'll talk about it again. But whatevs, I'm from liberal San Frantic and my mommy is a spiritual healer. Bring it!
Then, we went to the Museum of London. Kid-friendly central slash model-home take you into history...ness. It was rad. I dug it. And it was free, no complaints.
Then we went home and I passed out listening to Minus the Bear. Thweetness.

..anddd right now I'm talking to Kyle Matthew Thibault! :)
so brb.

kay back, the next day.

Good Morning! err, Afternoon, it's almost 3pm, and AGAIN! I slept through my class. UGH.
In my defence, had I woken up on time, I wouldn't have gone anyway because I feel poopy. My throat is killing me. And, since Philosophy is my favorite class to talk in, it would be counter-productive to go and not be able to speak. :) yay sugar coating my lazyness.
Over it.
So last night, after my long and very enjoyable conversation with Kyle Thibault, I read my book for a little (see! I'm being a good student!) then bugged Tim Barry able life for a long time. I came back to my room, passed out, then woke up and went online. Oh goodness, see friends, that's the real reason I didn't make it to class--I'm an insomniac! aha, or, I'm still stuck in US time, the more plausible explanation. Right now, it's almost 7am in the US and I'd be waking up. So there you have it, the solution to my problem is that I need to get on UK time.

For now, I'll read more of my book for tomorrow, my lit class that I WILL make it to.
I'm satisfied with my lazyness that at leas I'm missing different classes each week, right? right.

Here are pictures from yesterday's excursion:

REWIND: Super Bowl in the Chaplaincy. Fun, awkward, and sleepy. SAINTS!
Trafalgar Square. See, I take notes. It was a very pretty day, but oh so cold.
Peter, my favorite teacher here at St. Mary's.
Horsies! At Whitehall.
Watch them rape that car. This is Downing Street.
Arex, look at his gun. so gnar.
tehe Asians.
aha Peter was disappointed to have to lecture to us by Winston.
St. Paul's Cathedral.
need I say more?
'London Before London' --they were river people.
See, they 'take' you there at the Museum of London.
Ugh, even looking at this makes me hungry.
The Black Death.
! You can sit in it. siq.
Another gun for Arex.
I was diggin the lighting.

And there ya have it!

See ya next time,


Thursday, February 4, 2010

angry face

What up.

I have no voice. It's kind of our of control and getting ridiculous. Lots of kids on my floor are getting sick also, but come on. I blame Tim. :) aha, or someone else.

But yeah, my voice is past the point of raspy/semi-hawt, and now it's just lame.

In other news, I'm going to see LADY GAGA in March. Awesome.
And tomorrow i'm going to see The Black Dahlia Murder and some other siqq metal bands at the University of London Union at Bone Crusher Fest! yee.

(EDIT) This entry was left unfinished.

So, since then, the concert was SO GOOD! minus the fact that the crazy British kids were crazy-insane stage divers and eventually broke the sound system! They ended the show early and I was stupid mad, but the night ended on a great note, full of double vodka cranberries and a pretty decent cover band. haha awesome.

Lately, my sleep schedule has been all out of wack. seriously. I sleep at like 5am here, and wake up at 2pm. Am I still in the US?! I really think, though, that it's because of my window shades. Those effers make my room SO DARK that when I wake up in the middle of the night, it's honestly dark, so of course I'm gonna think it's still night, right? Right.

Haha, I just noticed that the title of this entry was "angry face." I'll tell you why...
firealarms, firealarms, friggin firealarms!!!
It was insanity. I kid you not, (wow I promise I'm going to stop saying that) these kids pull them because they think they're funny. 4am?! not funny, yo. But yeah, it was becoming a weekly thing. Hasn't happened since Thursday? Friday? So we'll see what happens tonight, Monday, one of the biggest party days here. Oh joy!

Anywho, I miss everyone at home like crazy, and people like Chrystofer Ong aren't helping my cause by digging up old old old videos/pictures for me to cry my eyes out to. aha, but seriously though, stawp.

Kay, homework and reading and everything studious awaits me.


PS. still no voice. i'mma die.

kay these are in reverse order, my bad. thorry.

circle pit.
make it biggerrrr.
this is 3 inches of blood from canada. i was diggin it.
3 inches of blood with guest singers from necrophobic, a swedish band. lawl.
Me and Shannon, drummer of The Black Dahlia Murder. :) Yay America!