Thursday, December 31, 2009

Top 10 Movies of 2009

Alright, it's 6:49am on New Year's Eve. I'm thinking that now's the perfect time for me to actually sit down and decide which movies were my favorites for 2009.

Here we go:

10. Coraline
Although this movie wasn't ground-breaking, I thoroughly enjoyed myself and that's exactly what I look for in a good movie. Coraline was cute, funny, scary, sad, and heartfelt. I could have done without the 3D, but it added to the mysteriousness of the film. Coraline herself was cute and I liked her development as a quirky and awkward little girl with a style and personality of her own. This movie is in my top 10 mainly because "The Father Song" will never grow old for me. Coraline's father is played by John Linnell of They Might Be Giants.

9. Where the Wild Things Are

Again, with this movie, I left the theater feeling so great that it deserves to be on this list. I can't say that I'm a Spike Jonze fan or even that I can name any other movie he has doen off the top of my head. I can't say I wanted to watch it because Urban Outfitters made a big deal about it or that I watched it because it was cool. I watched this movie because I remember reading the children's book and wondering how on earth anyone could turn it into a movie. But somehow, I found myself laughing and crying throughout the movie. Brilliant. And someday, I'd love to sleep in a pile. :)

8. Inglorious Basterds

haha, okay. See, I can say that I liked Kill Bill 1 and 2, but I don't swear by Quentin Taratino films. So I can't even say ohp, he did it again! I just really liked this movie. It was funny. It was stupid. It was disturbing and gross. Brad Pitt wasn't even that bad. Although this movie was rather long, the music help make this movie very dramatic, but not too over the top. I'd recommend you see it and decide for yourself. From what I've gotten out of my friends, it's a love/hate movie. For me, I loved it.

7. Avatar

(EDIT: Apparently this is a picture from the game. sorry. so here's another:)

Creativity at it's fiiiiinest!! Oh goodness, was this movie out of control with the special effects! The 3D was by far the best I've ever seen, so I'm thinking 2010's gotta step it up. The overall story and characters were meh. Music was cool of course, Hans Zimmerman. Seriously though, another long movie, but worth it to see the magical world that is Pandora. Awesome.

6. District 9

Okay, here me out. I will say hands down that this movie is owed every possibly award there is out there because this movie has everything. The story, the effects, everything. When I reflect on District 9, there is not one thing I'd change. Faaantastic movie right here. So why is it number 6 on my list? Because my list is comprised in order of how much I enjoyed myself. So for this movie, as brilliant as it is, I left in agreement. Yes, our country would do that to aliens. I didn't leave in higher spirits, etc. So sorry to those who think I'm crazy because duh, we already know that. But this movie stays here on my list because it was a movie that made a statement, and I got it, but I didn't leave thoroughly entertained and satisfied.

5. Public Enemies

Badass. Johnny Depp didn't even have to be in it. But like I said, Badass. All of the shoot-outs. Bad. Ass. Oh my gawwd. :)

4. Sherlock Holmes

I actually just watched this movie a couple days ago, but I liked it so much, that it bumped some other movies out of the list. The dynamic of Holmes and Watson in this movie is so real and funny! This movie was also very cleverly laid out as to keep with the mystery theme. This movie very much reminded me of House or Lie to Me, in which everything gets resolved and explained in the end. If you've watched either of those shows, you know that you're on the edge of your seat the entire time. Take that into movie-form and that's this movie. Although I had to sit through a half hour of trailers, ugh sooo many!, I left on a really great note.
(PS look in the picture, the chick on the left's dress is coming undone. Wardrobe fail.) Still, hiiiighly recommended.

3. Drag Me to Hell

I hate hate hate horror films. So I can't even remember why I agreed to watch this movie. I'm happy that I did because clearly, I loved it!! I have never screamed, jumped, AND, laughed so hard in the same movie! I was so surprised with how far this movie took things and even made fun of itself. Definitely a movie you can't forget.

2. Star Trek

:) :) :) Loved this movie. If you know me, you probably remember be raviiiing about it. Again, can't say I'm a Trekkie or even a sci-fi fan. But mann!!! I was soo entertained! Everytime I saw this movie! haha. The story line, charcters, and even special effects--awesome. I was even impressed with Harold and Sylar's performances. It was difficult trying not to put this as number one because I wouldn't have changed anything in this movie. But once you see my number one movie, you'll know.

1. The Hurt Locker

EVERYTHING about this movie.

Movies that were definitely up there/I also enjoyed:
fantastic mr. fox
this is it
(500) days of summer
i love you, man
away we go
the hangover
state of play
confessions of a shopaholic

Movies that SUCKEDD:
harry potter 6
year one
transformers 2

Movies I still want to see:
a single man
imaginarium of doctor parnassus
invention of lying
paranormal activity
new york, i love you
mr. nobody
white on rice


Saturday, December 26, 2009

Saturday after Christmas.

11:13pm the day after Christmas and I am the definition of exhausted.

ex⋅haust–verb (used with object)

1. to drain of strength or energy, wear out, or fatigue greatly, as a person: I have exhausted myself working.
2. to use up or consume completely; expend the whole of: He exhausted a fortune in stock-market speculation.
3. to draw out all that is essential in (a subject, topic, etc.); treat or study thoroughly.
4. to empty by drawing out the contents: to exhaust a tank of fuel oil.
5. to create a vacuum in.
6. to draw out or drain off completely.
7. to deprive wholly of useful or essential properties, possessions, resources, etc.



I'm in the middle of uploading, ohp finished. Uhm, to facebook from Christmas. They're the usual family-photos. As far as presents go, I made out really well for my London trip. I got everything from toiletries to a siqq Upper Playground umbrella, to shoes, to a Cashmere scarf from my mom's boss, to a book from Alex Pardee. I had a ton of fun with my family... learned how to shotgun a beer, sang a sloppy rendition of "Bartender" using the "I am T-Pain" iPhone app. funfunfunf. So satisfying considering how unhappy I was with how un-Christmasy I was feeling.

Work today though, was a different story becaused it succckkkkedddd. as always.

okay, this is an unfinished entry. oh well. submit.


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

Oh goodness, it's been a while. Finished the semester with an A in criminology and a B in Social Psychology. Don't know about the rest, but it doesn't even matter because I got a B in Social Psych!! Big deal I tell you! I got a C on each of the exams, so I was doomed for a C in the class. But alas, I actually sat myself down and studied and YEE!! a B! Definitely patting myself on the back since that class was teh boring.

So it's Christmas! (not in CA, yeah, but it NY and I totally support the right coast :) ). I had work earlier and it suckkkedd as always. Good thing I'll be out of that hell hole on the 7th of January.

Coming soon are my top-whatever lists of 2009. I'm thinking top movies, top moments, worst movies, worst moments, and top things I'mma do in 2010!

I'm watching E! News right now and tear! Brittany Murphy :(

I'll start blogging again since I'll be going away and people are interested as to what I'll be up to in Lundunn! As of now, I'm pretty excited about London. I'm holding back all the nervousness and anxietyish feelings and replacing them with hate for work and Walnut Creek. haha Defintely the better tactic, no?

Oh yeah, my Dad's here with the doggie, Sophia. They make me miss New York like crazy. :(
Christmas time is my favorite time of the year and I feel like I've done nothing Christmas-like at all. Everything's been going by so fast that now it's already Christmas and I barely got to experience Christmas at Target. haha But in all seriousness, maybe it's just me and I'm getting old, but where did the Christmas spirit go? Walnut Creek sucks. Okay fine, Walnut Creek inside Starbucks North Main and Duncan sucks... since that's really all where I've been this whole season. The other day I had a crazy breakdown. Maybe and probably PMS, but I seriouslly would have given anything to go the middle of a Target and scream, stamp my feet, cry, and throw a crazy tantrum--ripping random articles of clothing off, just like a baby. It was all bad. But then I woke up fine the next day since the day after that, I handed in my two weeks notice!! YES. A wonderful feeling, btw. I hope all of you are able to experience the feeling that is sticking it to the man.

ahhh, they're going through fads of 2009 and cupcakes is one. oh how I'd kill for one right now. eek.

On that note, goodnight, til tomorrow. Fo real Christmasness.



Friday, November 27, 2009

wine timeeeeee

alex, you're a jerk.

stop hitting me with your jacket string pullies things.

pumpkin pie and whip creeme.

someone's feet stink.

no wwe;re watching coinfessions of a shoppaholoic, so hot in here.,

i should do i my homewoek. i will i promise, or else i'm in deep deep doo doo on monday.

:) holidays.



Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Biggest Let-Down of 2009

Today, Tonight, I was supposed to be seeing the band, NURSES, at Bottom of the Hill. After I purchased my tickets online earlier today, I noticed that Nurses had been CANCELED for tonight's show.


:( Seems as though something bug has happened/is happening between Nurses and Sargent House. So, as sad as I am, I can't be completely. Instead, I'm at home, sick.

I guess some things work out for the better.






Finally, in lieu of me being sick, I had time to do my bike check. Pictures will come later, but you can see my bike on Affinity's site. I bought my bike this summer in Brooklyn from Affinity and had it shipped to me here :) I LOVE it dearly. The guys over there worked really hard on it and even took it to this year's Interbike in Las Vegas. SO! If you Google Interbike & Affinity, you'll most likely find some pictures of my bike. Sweet!

Here's a video from Interbike, I forget where, but you see my bike eventually for like a second haha:

INTERBIKE 09' VEGAS SUCKAS from chris clappe on Vimeo.

Kay, so what I basically did, was googled all of my bike parts to try to find them online for pricing etc. I had trouble with some but you get a general idea.

FRAME: Affinity XS Lo Pro

BARS: Nitto

STEM: Thompson


HEADSET: Chris King

BRAKE: Tektro

LEVER: Tektro

SEATPOST: Thompson

SEAT: Selle Italia

PEDALS: All City


CRANKS: Sugino 75


CHAIN: something special apparently..

HUBS: Phil Wood 38th Anniversary purple 3 out of 5


FRONT WHEEL/BACK WHEEL: Silver Velocity Deep V

SPOKES: Anodized? purple I can't find those anywhere

NIPPLES: purple anodized

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fall Break

This "break" from school is lame. It promotes procrastination, as I have yet to get something accomplished.
I got my money hacked in to. Lame.
The rain has started. Lame.
Homework unfinished. Lame.

On a less-lame note, sister found the wedding dress. Actually, in terms of Miller, she found The dress with a capital T. It's cute, suits her, and everyone will not expect it but love it. I hope she chooses the current favorite bridesmaids dress, because I look hawt. haha And, I'd definitely wear it again.

Finally got my brake put onto my bike, so I can ride it more easily. Especially going downhill, my legs feel safer pedaling faster. I promise to post my bike check as soon as I write my Miller paper. And take my Social Psych exam. :)

See, this procrastination is bad. Probably three times today, I say at my computer with all of my notes, opened the document, and started to write the paper. I have my headings and my title. I swear, this class is the worst class I have this semester. I friggin' hate Theology for one. Actually, in true Kiersten terms, the class goes beyond me. Which really means, I just don't give a sheezyy, and on top of that Miller is a beezyy, so why even bother? gah, angryface.

So the one person that will forever be a thorn in my side, has convinced me to pay off my credit cards. Watching my savings go down like that all at once could seriously make me cry. Probably more than any given movie does. Hah, I'm such a sap. But yeah, imma pay them off, and them bank every paycheck that comes in. Yeah yeah, and in the end I'll save more. Thanks Mr. Bradshaw for teahcing me that in econ. Man, all of this male teachers that have sucked throughout my education. Yet, I still object to the idea of female teachers, or female authority figures in general. It just shouldn't be, because women are vaginas. Seriously.

Look at all this anger. Where does it come from? haha that reminds me of Saturday (?). I was being super nice. It was bothering me, I was being so nice. I found myself actually engaging in conversations, complimenting people, laughing & smiling.... until I caught myself, and said to Meghan, "Wait, am I actually being a decent human being right now?" haha I then had myself a great laugh after that thought. I'm always and will forever be a negative nancy, who sees the bad in people. But see, what people forget, is that with this outlook, I'm really only waiting for people to give my reason to actually like them. Which, in my opinion is the better way. Because in reverse, if you always initially like people, you'll only disappoint yourself with how lame they really are but letting you down and giving you more reason for you to not like them.. no? And the way I do it, is that eventually, I'm see the real good in people, after all of the negativity I give them to begin with. Kay, yeah it's 1:40am, and I have this same exact conversation all the time, so.... I really know what I'm talking about, but I'm sure you're like, Say what?? aha whatevs.

I guess on that note, I'll go to sleep. Going into the city tomorrow. And it'll be raining. Wait, I'm going into the rain? :( Man, must be a big deal then. haha

war out.


hahaha ok, i've been digging around my computer for some retarted pictures of me and here's what i found:

okay, this could go on for days. but dizzaayyyumm, i'm hawwtt.. aha
more later.

PS. here is probably the ONLY picture I have/will ever have of my two best friends in the entire world: (Me, Zachary--who moved to NY, jerk, and Kyle) <33
aha, look at my hair & my awesome blue cup of water I am so lovingly holding for the dee runk birthday boy in my lap, Zachary the Star Wars nerd, I mean seriously, shirt & two posters coughloser, and Kyle, throwin' up the deuces & his Norma Jean shirt. We're wayyy too cool for eachother.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


As usual, I've woken up on the couch to the TV still on, Arex gone, my cat meowing...
Probably time for me to actually go to bed, no?
I feel bad about peacing out so early on that last post, sooo I'll clarify why,
When I was writing that last one oh so many days ago, I was in the computer lab, chillin' writing, etc. I glanced up to see who was coming in the door (natural human behavior, people) and this guy says to me, "Oh, so you're gonna stare and not even say hi?" Awkwardly and stupidly of me, I laugh and say, "Oh what's up..." Of course, he sits down next to me as if there's no other computer in the room. Then he's quiet and I'm writing my post. Out of nowhere, he asked me what he should write about. This was lame though because he was totally the type of person that asks for input but doesn't really care for what you have to say, so whatever you say they decide on what they were originally thinking anyways... the worst kind of douce bagness I think. Anyways, so the conversations went on like that, eventually he wanted me to help him and the drama team out with something or other in the quad the next day, asked me for my number since my phone was sitting infront of me and insisted he text me to make sure I didn't give him a fake number. Of course, Kiersten being the doofus she is, gave him her number to shut him up, said she'd try to make it to this whatever, rudely ended her blog post and bizounced outta there.

So there. That's why my last post sucked. And now I feel better and go to sleep :)

I rewarded myself with Kidrobot today haha. I bought Da Sturm to go with Da Fighter. My mantel is a hot mess right now though with all my little vinyl investments cluttering it.

No school Monday or Tuesday, holla.

Goodnight, war out.


PS. I got my bike finally. Pictures later, but you can see it here. Go to store and Lo-Pro. YES, the purple bike is MINE. As in the same bike at my house. yee

EMAROSA, baby!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I'm alive I swear!!!

Why herro, strangers!

Naturally, since I'm back in school now, I have time to update you on my boring & not-so-boring life.
I promise to upload a ton of pictures, but for now, here's the sum-up of my summer... if I can ever remember haha.

El Verano:
-Picture takings
-Movies, movies, movies
-My birthday!
--Dog walking
-Outside Lands
etc, etc, etc

Pretty boring summer? Meh. I'm happy to say though, that it felt like a long time which is good.
So now, I continue to work with school added on. I cut my hair before I left for New York. Other than that, I'm the same same same... but with new clothes! haha

In New York, I bought a bicycle from Affinity Cycles. Sadly, I have YET to even receive/see it. Sad day, I know. But it'll come, don't worry. I already paid for it. Supposedly, Affinity is going to take it with them to Las Vegas where the Interbike convention happens. I'm honored to have them ask me to take it with them, really. But, seriously, gimme my bike!!

This summer, I've also added a ton of additions to my little or not-so-little vinyl toy collection on top of my mantel. I'm going to need to get some shelving for those things soon.. Until then, I continue to buy buy buy more from Kidrobot, etc. Kind of addicting, you could say, since there are always going to be new ones coming out, and naturally, I'm going to want the best of the best, aha!

Oh! So next semester, I'm study abroad. yeahyeah! Though, I haven't decided between London or Milan. gah the decision is killing me! I'm applying to both schools, so hopefully the schools will decide. I'm sad to leave already because of work (no more money...) and hopefulllyyyy I'll be getting this internship at the DA's office in San Frantic.

Anywho, bbl

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Friday, June 26, 2009

sad day.

Michael Jackson has passed away,

I'm still in denial , so I won't share my feelings.
Just know that I almost puked at work, my stomach hurt to bad after I found out.
...or the Buckhorn I ate effed up my tummy :)

PS. this seems to make me feel better though...


Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I should be seeing Isis tonight, but I'm going to watch Transformers.
Wow, I'm such a bad friend.
Sorry, Kyle. I love you.

Arex went to work today. I don't work until tomorrow. I work 36 hours next week, and they're all opens (4:30am. ouch.) or early mornings (7:30am). Not complaining though because I need the money! andIsecretlylikeworking.


Minilogue - Animals from ljudbilden on Vimeo.

San Frantic, holla.


PS. Twittererrrerr.

Monday, June 22, 2009

The same as always.

Hey kids. At work, I get asked all the time how I am, how I am today, how's my day going, etc. Lately, all I can respond with is, "the same." Now for my customers who know me, they know when it's a bad day or not, so lying is just stupid. Is it bad that I'm just the same as the last time they saw & asked me that? ..which was probably just the day before haha. But yeah, I'm the same. My routine is the same, my days are the same, I end up doing all the same things I did before, just at different times of the day. I would, at some point, have gone to work, then picked up my mom from BART, then sat on the couch, watched Arex play some video games, fall asleep, wake up & watch Adult Swim, go to sleep, go back to work & start all over. The same, same, same. Maybe I'll fit a ballet class into one of the days, or eating out at some cheap food place, or a Target run, but at the end of the day, it's all the same! Story of my life, kids. I guess this means, I'm old & the fun's all gone :) Just kidding, haha. No, I know I'm just not making the most of life, I'm losing sight of the oppotunities in front of me, such as the fact that I have a paying regular job, etc. Whatever. But what it comes down to, and the point of this paragraph, is that I'm just the same as I was yesterday. I try to seize the day at the beginning of everyday, but that turns into new food places, new movies, etc. haha Yes, story_of_my_life.

Anywho, now after a rant about how my life is the same... Tomorrow night, I'm going to watch the new Transformers. Ooo, ahh. See, this is the part where I was talking about how I'm adding variety to my sameness by watching movies, because when you think about it, it's all the same since I watch new movies so regularly. Right? Right. I'm excited though, becuase Megan Fox is Hawt! haha When I went to buy my tickets, I used those Powersaver soupons from Costco, so I save, like 5 bucks (woot) & the guy asked what time I wanted to watch. I chose the 12:15am showing, but turn out they gave me a theater downstairs, which is teeeeny. And me, the professional midnight showing movie go-er (insert all the hyphens I missed), I know that it is soo not worth it to watch a new movie at that hour is a widdle theater. SO! I said, holdd up, refund! Of course, this turned into a whole ordeal, held up the line, was sent here and there to talk to this face and that face. When this face was explaining the situation to that face, that face made the wrong face managers should make right in front of me... to which I responded, "Yes, I don't want to be in a small theater." pwnt. He didn't know I was standing right there. None of that really made any sense, but basically he got his booty handed to him by the other manager standing there for being a stupidfaceeee in front of the customer!! muahaa. And at the the end of the day, Transformers @ 12:01am in the big theater. Bonus points to Kierstenface.

Pictures from my phone:

Tom's started his first day back at the BUX! Guess who made sure she witnessed it?? tehe

<3this picture.

Hokay, enough for tonight.



PS. Apparently, tall soy extra hot latte for Alex's brother's going to be going to my school. In the words of Kyle, "so many feelings about that."

and, NYC soon!! which means, my birthday soooonerr!!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

So here we are again, at the start.


I don't even remember where I last left off, or what I even talked about before. Funny BART story? Basically, some crazy dude was repeating slash commenting slash narrating on everything that was around him or what the driver was saying. At one point he told the whole train that "This [was] the last San Francisco stop," just after the driver had announced it also. When I started to eat a leftover cookie in my bag, he WAGGED his finger at me and said, "Ah ah ahh!! No eating on the train!" I replied, "I'm hungry." "Should have eaten before you got on the train." And the smarty pants in me responded, "I'm diabetic, low on blood sugar, I need the eat this now." I said it so loud that I'm sure the rest of the train could tell I was lying, but it shut the guy up. THEN, (keep in mind it seemed as if the whole train was filled with people from SFO) as a chick was getting ready to leave the train, some dude commented on her suitcase: "Is your handle broken?" (It was curved.) "No, it's like that." "I've never seen anything like that! It looks part Segway!" lawl. Okay, maybe at 11 something at night after a long day this was a lot more funny. But the black dude across the way was laughing mad bad too. So there. haha There's more I know, but it's been so long, I can't recall clearly enough. :(

Oh! So remeber when my phone broke? Had to get a new phone, lost all of my pictures and texts, but still had all my numbers? Yeah, well the other day, my SIM card shat on itself, so I lost all of my numbers! Sad, sad day. Luckily, with the new phone, I still had all my pictures and texts. And with those, I had all of the numbers to my recent texts, aka all the important people. And, Arex, my mom, etc have most of the numbers I need also. So, not as bad as it could have been. But still. Wtf technology.

I've been getting back into ballet lately because I really need the exercise. I feel so unhealthy these days. Not fat, just not fit. Unfit. Yes, so I'm taking Saturdays regularly because I changed my work availability(omg work.), Wednesdays when I don't work (omg work.), and Tuesday Jazz when I don't work. (omg work.) I think this coming Tuesday, I'm going to take the easy easy ballet class on pointe (!!!) with Meghan, and then Jazz after. Yay me.

Kay off topic--
WORK. There are not enough "OUI VE"s in the WORLD to express how much that place is awful. I work a good amount, sure. But I work unhealthy hours and with people who are unstable emotionally. The stress is unhealthy in and of itself. UGH. All I do is close now, which is amazing to me given that I've been there the longest so I have seniority and my preferred hours are opens and mids. However, I seem to have gained 4 closes and a mid. Though, I do have 30+ hours. OH LIFE.

Now with happier things--
NEWW YAWWKKK!!!! Bought my tickets and can't wait! Sad that I won't be making it in time for Zach's birthday, but I'll get to see him regardless. :)
Speaking of birthday, guess whose birthday is in less than a month?! yee.

..yeah. the "...stuff" comment awhile ago. I second that.

Been hanging out with girlsss lately. Shocked face! haha Everyone knows Kiersten does not have any friends who are girls. The ones that are, don't count, haha even they say so. But yes, I've started becoming greaaattt friends with Sarah, as well as Colleen. :) Indeed, summer is off to a fabulous start.

Kyle's got the gf back, I'm getting paid a great amount, I'm going to New York, Incubus put out a CD today, I'm exercising, I paid off a credit card (until the NY tickets), I'm laughing more & frowning less. Gosh, Kiersten happy? WHaattt?!!

haha but in short, the down sides of life:
-Joseph is a lameface, jerkface, buttface, meanface, rudeface, angryattheworldface, etc.
-I still don't have a bike.
-tall soy extra hot latte for alex.
-I haven't been to a show in I don't know how long.
-Got suckered into $60 worth of spa junk thanks to Sarah Keay.
-I drink coffee up the wahzoo again.
-I sleep less and less, yet it feels like I sleep all day.

-Drag Me to Hell

-Star Trek!!
-Away We Go
-Terminator Salvation
Yeah, I've been watching a lot of movies. :) Up was great! Coulda done without some parts, but AWWWed a TON! Drag Me to Hell was crazy scary, yet funny at the same time. I liked it. Hangover was really funny, like, really really funny. As for "best movie of the summer," not so sure. It defintiely had depth in comparison to movies like Adventureland, etc. More of like Step Brothers funny. We already know I LOVED Star Trek. Away We Go was everything I had hoped for and MORE! Highly suggested by Kiersten. Highly. Kay done reviewing haha ask me in person how I liked the others. I'm excited for Transformers next weeeek! And Harry Potter right after my birthday! yes.
In addition to movies, I've been watching a ton of Adult Swim, lately. This is also a reason I sleep so late. "The Mighty Boosh" is bombbb, as well as "Squidbillies." Get up on that.

Daniel, my "little brother" graduated from high school last week. So old now, pierced, tattooed, and graduated. OH LIFE.

ART & WINE FESTIVAL! I got every yearrrr!! haha mainly because I can walk from my house. This time, I was with Arex, and we had DEfrigginLICIOUS Thai Food. We had Mango & Sticky Rice. To_die_for. Apple Fries. Yummy_in_my_tummy! and some above-average Chinese food.
:) goooood stuff.




Wednesday, June 3, 2009

untitled, kay?

Hey kids. So I'm at work and on my lunch, sitting outside with my iced coffee. I really haven't been hungry lately.. at least during my lunch breaks. More time to write in my blog though! haha. Anywho, so I wanted to tell you all about the BART story.

I was on BART, Friday night? Coming home from the city, with Arex. We watched that movie "Drag Me To Hell." Saw Tiu (Two?) from G-Star there, and I felt bad for her and her friends because I was sitting behind her and was screaming so incredibley loudly the entire time haha. My throat hurt after, I was screaming so much. It's not like the movie was even scary, but just that it made you jump! Gosh!

aww, I'm looking at the time and I don't have long enough to finish. so I'll stop there. ugh, 30 mins goes by so fast.

Have a fabulous day until I get the chance to finish, hopefully on a real computer so I can type faster. I get to excited that I wanna type faster, but can't on my phoneeee.

kay bye.


let's do thisssss!

I know, I know, it's like 2am or something and I'm updating from my phone in bed. Why am I doing this now you ask? And I work at 6:30am. I'm nuts, I know. haha
I talked to Zach tonight and amazingly, I feel better. Nine times out of ten everthing he tells me isn't usually relevant enough for me to take close to heart, but today, despite the fact that he was drunk, ok "tipsy"-Zachface, what he had to say and advise me really made sense. haha who woulda thought, yeah?

Anyways, today I work a full 8 hours. Oh the life of being a slave to the siren. But! After work is when the adventure begins, children!
I've got some tres exciting plans scheduled and a lot of time, money, and effort invested, so don't eff this up for me, kay? haha.
I'm really excited though, regardless of how everything unfolds, because as always, there's the potenial for disaster...
Saw a really great movie tonight (last night) called "Away We Go." Go see it when it comes out (I saw the preview). So good though! :)
Remind me that when I have time, I need to tell you guys a funnnnyyyy story about BART. Oh the hilarityyy!

Kay I'm gonna sleep now. Goodnight, see you in a few.

Gosh I hate this sleep schedule Adrienne's got me on. Next week is worse!

ex oh ex oh dash kaybeetwo.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Friend Neglector!

Oh dear it's hot outside.
I feel like such a bad friend. Things keep getting in the way of me plus Kyle time! Ugh.
After I got home from neglecting Kyle, I sat out in the sun. I'm not burnt thank goodness, but slightly darker for sure haha.
Rode Arex's bike for a bit because I was feeling like exercising. Oh my how my legs already hurt. Ugh.
I'm kinda really into Lady Gaga at the moment. :)
I also really want to hang out with tall soy extra hot latte for Alex, but I never have time either and there's no way I'd ever hang out with him before Kyle or Janny. But once I hang out with those two, I'll consider hanging out with tall soy extra hot latte for Alex. Meh, we'll see. I told him to make me a cd since my musical synapses are lacking stimulation, but he said he was to lazy! wah wah.
Anywho, other than being a super friend neglector, all I do is work! Seriously like 30+ hours a week now! I'm so drained these days. Luckily, next week I have no closing shifts and onlt early mornings and mids.
I'm going to bake some cupcakes tomorrow instead of a cake for our family friend's kid's thingie. haha. We got her a cool present though. Not gonna lie, kinda want it for myself :)
Kay I'm getting sleepy typing this.
So, I'm going to sleep.

Goodnight and sweet dreams, children. I miss a lot of you and am sorry for being a buttface. I promise to make it up to you!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I'm Jesus! RAWRRR!

What's upppp,

Today I was American! We had a BBQ at my sister's house. Such a great weather day also! Sunny!

Went some places, here and there.
Went to work. Oh my gosh I was late. oops.
Tall soy extra hot latte for Alex came in today, but we were out of soy! Ugh. THEN, after we closed, I remembered I had saved the last of the soy for him. Gosh I'm a lameface. haha That's okay, because I just had it for myself! Huzzah.

Now I go night night.


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Fallout 3.

Kay, so I just got home from work. And like always, I'm sitting on the couch watching Arex play his video games. He's playing Fallout right now. And I know I'm a buttface, but he thoroughly explained the story of the game to me, and all I can remember was, "Guess what, I'm asian! haha You get to choose." haha dorkface. So as I've watched and heard him progess in this game, I'm bummed that I haven't saved his most memorable quotes. So I figure as I'm watching this gaming sesh, I'll jot down a few:

"Ok, Kiersten, watch this. I'm about to eff this guy's head up. Watch!"
(Slow motion action shots to this dude's dead, and he's still alive)
"Oh my god, wtf, he's supposed to die."
(2nd try)
"Kay, he's done this time.
"OMFG, wtf! Dieeeee!!"
"FINALLY, see I owned him."
"Are you like blogging, about me and my stupidness?"
"OMG, I shot him, like 4 times, and he didn't die."
"Dr. Lee! Where did you go? Oh my god, oh my god."
"!! Dr. Lee just disappeared through a wall, and I'm suppossed to follow her? Wtf. OH MY GOD!"
"Okay, I'm gonna leave, after I FRAG this guy--OMG I'm gonna die I'm gonna die!"
"You know what I'm gonna have to do, Kiersten? Bring out the mini gun. But you're gonna hafta watch so it's more fun."
"That's right. You exploded! Kay, Dr. Lee, come out of the wall"
"!!! Oh wow, she went underground!, There's a tunnel, OMG I wasted all that amo. You guys SUCK."

hahaha, that's my Arex, for you. <3



Kay, Golden Curry Vegetable Fried Rice & Squidbillies wiff Arex.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

these three angels used to be attornyes...

What's up, children.
So from what I've been told, I've lost a bunch of my readers since I fell off the face of the planet. But, finally! The semester has ended and has given me this wonderful chunk of time to update you on my life. haha

I've been up to a buuuunchh of stuff.
-Got into a nasty fight at work with one of my shifts. I hate drama, yet I seem to eat, sleep, drink, and poop it 24/7.
-Bought a TON of new clothes from G-Star. Did you know you can only withdraw $300 from an ATM? Gah, it makes shopping so much more difficult that way. So that's why you go back the next day haha! But what I do love, is paying with money I actually have :) I'm proud of myself haha.
-Presented "the most awesome and probably the best out of [my] class" PowerPoint ever! haha I worked SO incredibly hard on my final project for my Research Design class, so I'm stoked my professor loved it so much and told me that.
-Saw Torche & Dredg at the Great American Music Hall with Kyle and Arex. !! Torche was UHmazing! But I guess the Dredg fans didn't agree. Some Jerkface related to Zach threw a beer onstage and Torche ended their set after like, 15 minutes! I was butthurt the rest of the night and thoroughly unsatisfied. Dredg was fine.
-Arex and I have been eating at interesting and new restaurants. We've been exploring the entire menu at OIC-Bowl, one of my favorite Chinese places. Tried the Indian place that's been across from my work for as long as I can remember, and was very impressed with the curry.
-(This gets it's own bullet) We found a cute and legit Japanese Curry place in Embarcadero area. The people were definitely Japanese and the place was set up with wall counters and stools. Cheap & yummy in my tummy! We ate at Mifune today and had cold noodles. Tasted.... interesting.
-Hmmm, Oh yeah, on a sadder note, I've totally been neglecting my friend Janny (Johnny) and I feel awful! :( If you read this, I miss you!
-I stopped drinking alcohol and coffee! Though in the midst of midterms I gave in a drank a cup of coffee here and there only because it's cheap and I'm still poor from my G-Star purchases haha. But definitely negative on the alcohol. Yay me.
-!!! Got an A in Forensic Psychology! :) If that class were really based on points only, I probably woulda gotten a C. But holllaaaa, I got the grade I deserved! :)
-"I'm cold".-Terminator Salvation. lawl.
-Talked to Zachface today on the phone & I miss him. But I'm happy he's doing well.
-Haven't talked to Charlie in Wyoming. :( another neglected soul, ugh.

Arrright, so there ya go! haha I'm broke, deaf, fat, yet dressed fabulously.
Kay, it's been fun to play and sing together.

I want my bike already.
