Thursday, May 22, 2014

Film Review: Godzilla (2014)

Godzilla (2014) was one of my most highly anticipated films for 2014. I've actually never seen a Godzilla film prior to this new one (shocking), so I really didn't have any expectations other than the pure anticipation of the giant monster fight scenes in the San Francisco Bay! I also knew that this new Godzilla in particular, was to the be the largest-depicted Godzilla in film to date.

This movie did not disappoint. It had movement, the characters had their story-arcs, and the beasts came alive. I appreciated that you could really feel how massive Godzilla was and that, on multiple occasions, were given the opportunity to view Godzilla from a child's perspective--curious and oblivious to danger or fear. The sound editing in this film was fantastic as well. I can still hear and feel the vibrations of Godzilla's scream. Roar? Rawr?

Aaron Taylor-Johnson was not the same curly-haired kid from Kick-Ass (2010). In this movie, he was a soldier, father, and husband. His character was believable and he carried out his role well. I would have wished to have seen Bryan Cranston and Elizabeth Olsen--I LOVE her; favorite Olsen hands down--more, but the movie's called Godzilla, right. If I were to get nit-picky, then I'd also add that the score was a little more symphony-driven than I would have imagined it to be. Perhaps I'm desensitized to more modern soundtracks full of electronic bass drops or whatever. lol

Needless, in an effort to not spoil anything, I will end this stating that this is probably the most action-packed movie of the summer thus far and that you MUST go see it. X-Men comes out tonight though, so a review on that soon!

TL;DR Giant monster fight scenes, Kick-Ass all grown up and manly, the better Olsen, SF Bay Area--go watch this flick!


(Photo retrieved from Godzilla-Movies website:

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