Thursday, February 11, 2010

So here we are again at the start,

let's get stuck.

TTNG. Friggin' stoked. February 24th. :D

That's is all.


(hmmm, my blawg turning into my twittererrr??) no bueno.

I should report something. lol 'report.' uhm. okay for Valentines Day. Thinkin' I miiiight swing by 14 Bike Co's anniversary party?? Not sure if I'm worthy enough. And it'd be a lil awk if I go by myself. Hi, Tom La Marche, you don't know me but, hey I'm an American too. John Prorry??
But seriously, how awesome would that be? Maybe only Arex would think it'd be tight. Boy, you need to get here faster so we can actually do cool stuff I like slash know about. It's getting to me that I keep doing things that no one here has any idea about. For instance, Alexander McQueen. Couldn't think of a single person who knew who he was besides Johnny. sigh, I ruv fashion, but people here, or at my school at least are too religious to care. Or I'm not religious enough? I'm just a snobby materialistic girl who should have been raised in the Upper East Side? yadamnstraightiam.

In other things to report. There's drama. I guess no matter where you go, it'll sprout up sometime. lol sprout. All I have to say is that I don't do well with naive people. I'm the wrong person for introducing the world. I take back what I said before, it must suck to be them.

Bummed I'm not seeing Avenue Q tonight in the city with the girls, but I really don't have the money with all the shows I plan on seeing. Sure tickets are only 22 pounds, but my inner alcoholic is also getting into a boo mood. aha drinks ain't cheap.

Tried Southern Comfort for the first time last night. yucky. or whatever they mixed it with was yucky. cheap though, so I won't complain.

kay, over and out. for real.


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