..and it's not like I don't have the time to update either. It's 2:30am, and what am I doing?? I mean honestly. So, smack me for my negligence because I suck. :P
haha anyways, what have I been up to?!
I guess, simply put, I've become a professional pub critic. aka I've been in all the pubs. ah yes, the true inner alcoholic in me has finally found its niche in Luhnduhnn. lol
But I'm sad to say that it's kinda the truth. I can't say I've been a tourist. Tower of London? Nope. Stonehenge? Nope.
See? Let's not forget though, that I've had school this week. Granted I only have school Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays.... butttt, I promise you, stuff's not cheap, man!
Hmm... lately I've been having these crazy, crazy dreams. There was one where I decided to fly home for the weekend because I felt like it. EVERYONE was there! I also had a dream where my cousin Mary visited with all of her kids, but I guess she had more than her 5?.. she had like 8. and they all ran to me to give me a hug and I said, "wow there really are 8 of you." crazy.
and today, when I napped, I had a dream about me following clues to figure what had happened or something. Then a magician was having a show and I was trying to crawl out of the theater when he frisbee-ed a picture into the air, and I covered my head with my hands and the picture landed into my hand. Confusing, I know. But it was nuts!
So, I'm wondering how long these dreams will last for. I'm gonna have to start writing them down.
Let's talk school:
Monday, I sat in on a Civil Wars class in hopes to not actually like it :) I need a general history class back at USF and want to fulfill the requirement here. My options were this class and another. Thank goodness I didn't like this one. First, because it's a 200 level class. Here, first years take all 100 level classes, second years 200, etc. Also, in London, no one takes general ed. This means that the people in my history class are majoring, err, graduating (apparently 'majoring' doesn't exist here because I was already correct once before) in history. So, everyone in my class knows history which meant that that class was hard. And by hard, I mean that class covers every civil war from 1500-2000. Yikes. aaaanddd, the professor was too feminine for my liking... especially for a dude.
Tuesday, I was planning on taking 'London as a Tourist Destination' in which we'd learn about why people come to London. Sweet deal, except for the fact that I slept through it and didn't even make it. oops. But, I emailed the 'tutor' aka professor/teacher/deal and he was okay with me coming next week. lol. Then I had the history class I am now registered for: 20th Century Britain. Yay, a 100 level course where we learn about what Bristish culture is aka the Spice Girls. I kid you not, we spend a whole week on them :) Yay Posh Spice. aha
Wednesday, I took Moral Philosophy. This tutor is whack. This class has that one student whom you want to kill every day. Yenno that student?? Yeah. Wednesday are not my favorite other than the fact that I get out at noon those days.
Thursday - 20th Century Literature. If there is one class that will be the death of me, it's this one. We read an ENTIRE book a week. Okay yeah yeah, whatever, that's not a lot. But, hi, I'm Kiersten and I don't read :) It's hard enough having to keep up with Alex's blog at the rate he updates that thing tehe :P But yeah, at this point, I was really considering saving literature for USF, but does USF class only meet once a week? Nope. Does USF end their semester one week after Spring Break like St. Mary's does? Nope. SOO, I kinda concluded that I have it realllllyyyy well here :) WELL. YES. PROPER ENGLISH.
and Friday, yesterday, I reached a new alcoholic limit: a pint and a half of Magner's, a pint of Strongbow (my favorite thus far), a vodka cranberry, a shot of American Flag, a shot of Irish Flag, and a shot of Slippery Nipple. wow, that sounds a lot worse than it was. This was all consumed starting like 8pm-11pm, at 3 different pubs in the city. and the night ended with me passing out. per usual. I safe though, so no worries :)
Today I watched the movie Brothers. How depressing. Weird acting from Toby. Jake's cuter. Natalie Portman looks weird with blonde hair. The plot and scenes were as choppy and random as those last sentences. An hour and half in to the movie, I had already thought that this was the longest movie I had ever seen. I also cried a lot because it was sad. But as far as depicting war-life, I'd still stick to The Hurtlocker.
Alright then, almost 3am and the English kids in the dorms are still drunk and loud as usual. We had our weekly fire alarm... apparently it's funny to pull it???
Other than that, I play Super Mario on my DSi and get really frustrated when I die a bunch. I'm at the second world now :) yay.
Kay, picture time!
we met these 18 year olds who ordered one of every specialty shot on the menu. many of them were gay, and many of them were deerunk.
the American Flag. apparently they were out of the "white" for the flag so they made it French? lol I can't believe I drank that. It was warm too.
the Slipper Nipple. Baileys on top of what tasted like licorice.
the Irish Flag. It had Baileys on top of green, mint flavored liquor. tasted like a thin mint :)
Slippery Nipples all around. and that was it for the night aha.
a dessert the US is totally missing out on. nomm I get to eat it everyday! (I know I know, nacho cheese?!?! but it's NOT! it's custard. warm and melted and deelicious! totally missing out)
TEENY theater. They have you pick your seats when you buy tickets. Almost every movie gets sold out.
and goodnight,
If you're reading this then I probably miss you tons!!
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