Saturday, December 26, 2009

Saturday after Christmas.

11:13pm the day after Christmas and I am the definition of exhausted.

ex⋅haust–verb (used with object)

1. to drain of strength or energy, wear out, or fatigue greatly, as a person: I have exhausted myself working.
2. to use up or consume completely; expend the whole of: He exhausted a fortune in stock-market speculation.
3. to draw out all that is essential in (a subject, topic, etc.); treat or study thoroughly.
4. to empty by drawing out the contents: to exhaust a tank of fuel oil.
5. to create a vacuum in.
6. to draw out or drain off completely.
7. to deprive wholly of useful or essential properties, possessions, resources, etc.



I'm in the middle of uploading, ohp finished. Uhm, to facebook from Christmas. They're the usual family-photos. As far as presents go, I made out really well for my London trip. I got everything from toiletries to a siqq Upper Playground umbrella, to shoes, to a Cashmere scarf from my mom's boss, to a book from Alex Pardee. I had a ton of fun with my family... learned how to shotgun a beer, sang a sloppy rendition of "Bartender" using the "I am T-Pain" iPhone app. funfunfunf. So satisfying considering how unhappy I was with how un-Christmasy I was feeling.

Work today though, was a different story becaused it succckkkkedddd. as always.

okay, this is an unfinished entry. oh well. submit.


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