Alright, it's 6:49am on New Year's Eve. I'm thinking that now's the perfect time for me to actually sit down and decide which movies were my favorites for 2009.
Here we go:
10. Coraline Although this movie wasn't ground-breaking, I thoroughly enjoyed myself and that's exactly what I look for in a good movie. Coraline was cute, funny, scary, sad, and heartfelt. I could have done without the 3D, but it added to the mysteriousness of the film. Coraline herself was cute and I liked her development as a quirky and awkward little girl with a style and personality of her own. This movie is in my top 10 mainly because "The Father Song" will never grow old for me. Coraline's father is played by John Linnell of They Might Be Giants.
Again, with this movie, I left the theater feeling so great that it deserves to be on this list. I can't say that I'm a Spike Jonze fan or even that I can name any other movie he has doen off the top of my head. I can't say I wanted to watch it because Urban Outfitters made a big deal about it or that I watched it because it was cool. I watched this movie because I remember reading the children's book and wondering how on earth anyone could turn it into a movie. But somehow, I found myself laughing and crying throughout the movie. Brilliant. And someday, I'd love to sleep in a pile. :)
haha, okay. See, I can say that I liked Kill Bill 1 and 2, but I don't swear by Quentin Taratino films. So I can't even say ohp, he did it again! I just really liked this movie. It was funny. It was stupid. It was disturbing and gross. Brad Pitt wasn't even that bad. Although this movie was rather long, the music help make this movie very dramatic, but not too over the top. I'd recommend you see it and decide for yourself. From what I've gotten out of my friends, it's a love/hate movie. For me, I loved it.
(EDIT: Apparently this is a picture from the game. sorry. so here's another:)
Creativity at it's fiiiiinest!! Oh goodness, was this movie out of control with the special effects! The 3D was by far the best I've ever seen, so I'm thinking 2010's gotta step it up. The overall story and characters were meh. Music was cool of course, Hans Zimmerman. Seriously though, another long movie, but worth it to see the magical world that is Pandora. Awesome.
Okay, here me out. I will say hands down that this movie is owed every possibly award there is out there because this movie has everything. The story, the effects, everything. When I reflect on District 9, there is not one thing I'd change. Faaantastic movie right here. So why is it number 6 on my list? Because my list is comprised in order of how much I enjoyed myself. So for this movie, as brilliant as it is, I left in agreement. Yes, our country would do that to aliens. I didn't leave in higher spirits, etc. So sorry to those who think I'm crazy because duh, we already know that. But this movie stays here on my list because it was a movie that made a statement, and I got it, but I didn't leave thoroughly entertained and satisfied.
I actually just watched this movie a couple days ago, but I liked it so much, that it bumped some other movies out of the list. The dynamic of Holmes and Watson in this movie is so real and funny! This movie was also very cleverly laid out as to keep with the mystery theme. This movie very much reminded me of House or Lie to Me, in which everything gets resolved and explained in the end. If you've watched either of those shows, you know that you're on the edge of your seat the entire time. Take that into movie-form and that's this movie. Although I had to sit through a half hour of trailers, ugh sooo many!, I left on a really great note. (PS look in the picture, the chick on the left's dress is coming undone. Wardrobe fail.) Still, hiiiighly recommended.
I hate hate hate horror films. So I can't even remember why I agreed to watch this movie. I'm happy that I did because clearly, I loved it!! I have never screamed, jumped, AND, laughed so hard in the same movie! I was so surprised with how far this movie took things and even made fun of itself. Definitely a movie you can't forget.
:) :) :) Loved this movie. If you know me, you probably remember be raviiiing about it. Again, can't say I'm a Trekkie or even a sci-fi fan. But mann!!! I was soo entertained! Everytime I saw this movie! haha. The story line, charcters, and even special effects--awesome. I was even impressed with Harold and Sylar's performances. It was difficult trying not to put this as number one because I wouldn't have changed anything in this movie. But once you see my number one movie, you'll know.
Movies that were definitely up there/I also enjoyed: fantastic mr. fox this is it (500) days of summer i love you, man away we go the hangover taken state of play confessions of a shopaholic up 9
Movies that SUCKEDD: harry potter 6 year one transformers 2 surrogates
Movies I still want to see: a single man imaginarium of doctor parnassus invention of lying paranormal activity zombieland new york, i love you mr. nobody white on rice
11:13pm the day after Christmas and I am the definition of exhausted.
ex⋅haust–verb (used with object)
to drain of strength or energy, wear out, or fatigue greatly, as a person: I have exhausted myself working.
to use up or consume completely; expend the whole of: He exhausted a fortune in stock-market speculation.
to draw out all that is essential in (a subject, topic, etc.); treat or study thoroughly.
to empty by drawing out the contents: to exhaust a tank of fuel oil.
to create a vacuum in.
to draw out or drain off completely.
to deprive wholly of useful or essential properties, possessions, resources, etc.
I'm in the middle of uploading, ohp finished. Uhm, to facebook from Christmas. They're the usual family-photos. As far as presents go, I made out really well for my London trip. I got everything from toiletries to a siqq Upper Playground umbrella, to shoes, to a Cashmere scarf from my mom's boss, to a book from Alex Pardee. I had a ton of fun with my family... learned how to shotgun a beer, sang a sloppy rendition of "Bartender" using the "I am T-Pain" iPhone app. funfunfunf. So satisfying considering how unhappy I was with how un-Christmasy I was feeling.
Work today though, was a different story becaused it succckkkkedddd. as always.
okay, this is an unfinished entry. oh well. submit.
Oh goodness, it's been a while. Finished the semester with an A in criminology and a B in Social Psychology. Don't know about the rest, but it doesn't even matter because I got a B in Social Psych!! Big deal I tell you! I got a C on each of the exams, so I was doomed for a C in the class. But alas, I actually sat myself down and studied and YEE!! a B! Definitely patting myself on the back since that class was teh boring.
So it's Christmas! (not in CA, yeah, but it NY and I totally support the right coast :) ). I had work earlier and it suckkkedd as always. Good thing I'll be out of that hell hole on the 7th of January.
Coming soon are my top-whatever lists of 2009. I'm thinking top movies, top moments, worst movies, worst moments, and top things I'mma do in 2010!
I'm watching E! News right now and tear! Brittany Murphy :(
I'll start blogging again since I'll be going away and people are interested as to what I'll be up to in Lundunn! As of now, I'm pretty excited about London. I'm holding back all the nervousness and anxietyish feelings and replacing them with hate for work and Walnut Creek. haha Defintely the better tactic, no?
Oh yeah, my Dad's here with the doggie, Sophia. They make me miss New York like crazy. :( Christmas time is my favorite time of the year and I feel like I've done nothing Christmas-like at all. Everything's been going by so fast that now it's already Christmas and I barely got to experience Christmas at Target. haha But in all seriousness, maybe it's just me and I'm getting old, but where did the Christmas spirit go? Walnut Creek sucks. Okay fine, Walnut Creek inside Starbucks North Main and Duncan sucks... since that's really all where I've been this whole season. The other day I had a crazy breakdown. Maybe and probably PMS, but I seriouslly would have given anything to go the middle of a Target and scream, stamp my feet, cry, and throw a crazy tantrum--ripping random articles of clothing off, just like a baby. It was all bad. But then I woke up fine the next day since the day after that, I handed in my two weeks notice!! YES. A wonderful feeling, btw. I hope all of you are able to experience the feeling that is sticking it to the man.
ahhh, they're going through fads of 2009 and cupcakes is one. oh how I'd kill for one right now. eek.
On that note, goodnight, til tomorrow. Fo real Christmasness.