Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I'm alive I swear!!!

Why herro, strangers!

Naturally, since I'm back in school now, I have time to update you on my boring & not-so-boring life.
I promise to upload a ton of pictures, but for now, here's the sum-up of my summer... if I can ever remember haha.

El Verano:
-Picture takings
-Movies, movies, movies
-My birthday!
--Dog walking
-Outside Lands
etc, etc, etc

Pretty boring summer? Meh. I'm happy to say though, that it felt like a long time which is good.
So now, I continue to work with school added on. I cut my hair before I left for New York. Other than that, I'm the same same same... but with new clothes! haha

In New York, I bought a bicycle from Affinity Cycles. Sadly, I have YET to even receive/see it. Sad day, I know. But it'll come, don't worry. I already paid for it. Supposedly, Affinity is going to take it with them to Las Vegas where the Interbike convention happens. I'm honored to have them ask me to take it with them, really. But, seriously, gimme my bike!!

This summer, I've also added a ton of additions to my little or not-so-little vinyl toy collection on top of my mantel. I'm going to need to get some shelving for those things soon.. Until then, I continue to buy buy buy more from Kidrobot, etc. Kind of addicting, you could say, since there are always going to be new ones coming out, and naturally, I'm going to want the best of the best, aha!

Oh! So next semester, I'm study abroad. yeahyeah! Though, I haven't decided between London or Milan. gah the decision is killing me! I'm applying to both schools, so hopefully the schools will decide. I'm sad to leave already because of work (no more money...) and hopefulllyyyy I'll be getting this internship at the DA's office in San Frantic.

Anywho, bbl

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