I don't even remember where I last left off, or what I even talked about before. Funny BART story? Basically, some crazy dude was repeating slash commenting slash narrating on everything that was around him or what the driver was saying. At one point he told the whole train that "This [was] the last San Francisco stop," just after the driver had announced it also. When I started to eat a leftover cookie in my bag, he WAGGED his finger at me and said, "Ah ah ahh!! No eating on the train!" I replied, "I'm hungry." "Should have eaten before you got on the train." And the smarty pants in me responded, "I'm diabetic, low on blood sugar, I need the eat this now." I said it so loud that I'm sure the rest of the train could tell I was lying, but it shut the guy up. THEN, (keep in mind it seemed as if the whole train was filled with people from SFO) as a chick was getting ready to leave the train, some dude commented on her suitcase: "Is your handle broken?" (It was curved.) "No, it's like that." "I've never seen anything like that! It looks part Segway!" lawl. Okay, maybe at 11 something at night after a long day this was a lot more funny. But the black dude across the way was laughing mad bad too. So there. haha There's more I know, but it's been so long, I can't recall clearly enough. :(
Oh! So remeber when my phone broke? Had to get a new phone, lost all of my pictures and texts, but still had all my numbers? Yeah, well the other day, my SIM card shat on itself, so I lost all of my numbers! Sad, sad day. Luckily, with the new phone, I still had all my pictures and texts. And with those, I had all of the numbers to my recent texts, aka all the important people. And, Arex, my mom, etc have most of the numbers I need also. So, not as bad as it could have been. But still. Wtf technology.
I've been getting back into ballet lately because I really need the exercise. I feel so unhealthy these days. Not fat, just not fit. Unfit. Yes, so I'm taking Saturdays regularly because I changed my work availability(omg work.), Wednesdays when I don't work (omg work.), and Tuesday Jazz when I don't work. (omg work.) I think this coming Tuesday, I'm going to take the easy easy ballet class on pointe (!!!) with Meghan, and then Jazz after. Yay me.
Kay off topic--
WORK. There are not enough "OUI VE"s in the WORLD to express how much that place is awful. I work a good amount, sure. But I work unhealthy hours and with people who are unstable emotionally. The stress is unhealthy in and of itself. UGH. All I do is close now, which is amazing to me given that I've been there the longest so I have seniority and my preferred hours are opens and mids. However, I seem to have gained 4 closes and a mid. Though, I do have 30+ hours. OH LIFE.
Now with happier things--
NEWW YAWWKKK!!!! Bought my tickets and can't wait! Sad that I won't be making it in time for Zach's birthday, but I'll get to see him regardless. :)
Speaking of birthday, guess whose birthday is in less than a month?! yee.
..yeah. the "...stuff" comment awhile ago. I second that.
Been hanging out with girlsss lately. Shocked face! haha Everyone knows Kiersten does not have any friends who are girls. The ones that are, don't count, haha even they say so. But yes, I've started becoming greaaattt friends with Sarah, as well as Colleen. :) Indeed, summer is off to a fabulous start.
Kyle's got the gf back, I'm getting paid a great amount, I'm going to New York, Incubus put out a CD today, I'm exercising, I paid off a credit card (until the NY tickets), I'm laughing more & frowning less. Gosh, Kiersten happy? WHaattt?!!
haha but in short, the down sides of life:
-Joseph is a lameface, jerkface, buttface, meanface, rudeface, angryattheworldface, etc.
-I still don't have a bike.
-tall soy extra hot latte for alex.
-I haven't been to a show in I don't know how long.
-Got suckered into $60 worth of spa junk thanks to Sarah Keay.
-I drink coffee up the wahzoo again.
-I sleep less and less, yet it feels like I sleep all day.
-Drag Me to Hell
-Star Trek!!
-Away We Go
-Terminator Salvation
Yeah, I've been watching a lot of movies. :) Up was great! Coulda done without some parts, but AWWWed a TON! Drag Me to Hell was crazy scary, yet funny at the same time. I liked it. Hangover was really funny, like, really really funny. As for "best movie of the summer," not so sure. It defintiely had depth in comparison to movies like Adventureland, etc. More of like Step Brothers funny. We already know I LOVED Star Trek. Away We Go was everything I had hoped for and MORE! Highly suggested by Kiersten. Highly. Kay done reviewing haha ask me in person how I liked the others. I'm excited for Transformers next weeeek! And Harry Potter right after my birthday! yes.
In addition to movies, I've been watching a ton of Adult Swim, lately. This is also a reason I sleep so late. "The Mighty Boosh" is bombbb, as well as "Squidbillies." Get up on that.
Daniel, my "little brother" graduated from high school last week. So old now, pierced, tattooed, and graduated. OH LIFE.
ART & WINE FESTIVAL! I got every yearrrr!! haha mainly because I can walk from my house. This time, I was with Arex, and we had DEfrigginLICIOUS Thai Food. We had Mango & Sticky Rice. To_die_for. Apple Fries. Yummy_in_my_tummy! and some above-average Chinese food.
:) goooood stuff.
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