Over a month?! Now this is madness.
Thoroughly sorry, but alas, I have returned!
I only wish there was nothing to tell you, but there's just so much :)
Hmm, I guess I should have looked at what I wrote last because now I can't remember where I left off.
Well, if I last wrote over a month ago, I think I was still going to school/not going to school/sleeping all day/awake all night-ing.
Then Alex came! Anddd, we were touristy! Did the whole Parliament Square walk-through, took lots of pictures. We went to the zoo & I lovedd all the monkeys. :) We also went to Tate Modern, and that was really cool except that some of the floors will closed off because of legal issues??
And yeah, it was really refreshing to see a familiar face and to have a big part of home come to me. :) Thanks Arex.
Then I left for Spring Break!
We left the 30th of March for Prague. It was only Colleen and me because Karley and Emily had already left for their excursions. We left soo early in the morning, it was crazy to see all the working class commuters on the bus haha.
-beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
-potato pancakes
-hot dogs
-cute Easter festival in the square right outside our hostel
-cute hostel with free computer & internet
-mac n cheese
-prague castle
-the beginnings of an epic movie
-rushing to the airport, then having to wait for 2 hours...
-realizing kiersten sleeps with her eyes open
-awesome apartment
-il duomo
-grom nom nom gelato
-drinking games
-free buffet
-negronies lol
-cappucino milkshake
-rain, rain, rain
-tour bus
-confession in italtian
-mass in italian
-"agua, bella, agua!!"
-wet shoes
-interesting hotel/staff
-sprained ankle
-early train
-hotel that lacked reasonable space, but still awesome
-ruins, Colosseum
-discount at dinner
-sloppy sam's
-40 pound line-jumping tour
-vatican city
-discount at dinner
-lame train situation
-rushing to catch flight
-water--the smell of water
-latte & toastie
-walking, walking, walking
-gelato, gelato, gelato
-best cheap food & gelato
-french fry pizza
---four times a day
-laying out on a pier
-mosaic ceilings in the basilica de san marco
-walking, walking, walking
-lame bus ride
-lame flight back to london
-lame bus back to school
:) :) :) Basically, Spring Break 2010 was a success considering we were winging most of it as we went along. haha
The day after I got back, I went to see Circa Survive in Camden at the Flowerpot. Arex so awesomely won tickets to see them, and yeah. Anyone who has heard me talk about this concert knows that it was the_best_show_I've_ever_been_to. The end.
Ask me about ;)
Then, the next day, Ms. Jenny Ragusa Ryan, conveniently, came into London on a business trip & I got to be tour guide yet again! haha so now, I've done the Parliament walk-through 5 times :)
1. the first tour we went on when we arrived
2. fieldwork day for my tourism class
3. father
4. arex
5. jenny
I should do this professionally.
Sigh, been all the go ever since! School has started this week and I'm actually going haha!
I sign up for Fall 2010 classes after I get from Amsterdam, which I leave for on Friday! yay! I love life right now, honestly. And honestly, I miss a lot of my life also.
I love that I am seeing bits and pieces of the world. I feel motivated to travel around the States, since when you think about it, those are just as close to me as the other countries I've been to here. There's just no time and not enough of it! haha.
Well, I leave you with that. Sorry this was kind of a sad excuse for an update, but at least I got out the outline of what I've been up to in case I forget.
Miss you!!
I'll be home soon, worry not.


Vatican City.

Anthony Green.
and me.

Tate Modern.
St. James Park.
